
We fully appreciate and recognise that some things will be different for when students join us at BDB and that change can be both daunting and exciting.

In support, we have developed a fully inclusive transition programme to help encourage students and their families to think about those changes and to provide them with useful information that will help everyone to feel more comfortable and confident with their secondary school transition.

Meet the team

Head of Year – Mr D Roberts

Assistant Head of Year – Mr R Braye

What does our transition programme look like?

School Visits:

Our Year 7 team meet with Year 6 teachers from all feeder schools in order get to know your children personally and academically. We also meet with students to answer any questions they may have about secondary school and prepare them for starting with us in September.

Transition Days:

All students who are starting with us in September are invited to attend two transition days with us in July. Over the course of these days students will have an opportunity to meet their form tutors and the other students in their tutor group; familiarise themselves with the school campus, facilities and the school day and experience what lessons and break times are like at secondary school.

Transition Evening:

New parents and students will be invited to attend a transition evening in July. This is an opportunity for parents to meet our Head of School, James Rodgers and Head of Year 7, Mr Roberts. Other key staff will also present over the course of the evening in order to ensure parents and carers are fully prepared for their child starting in September. There will also be an opportunity to meet your child’s form tutor and celebrate their achievements across the two transition days.

Enhanced transition:

In addition to our core transition programme we also deliver an enhanced offer for targeted students in order to further support their transition to secondary school. This includes:

  • Aspire – targeted students are invited to join us part-time (one day a week) in July. They will take part in sessions designed to develop their literacy and numeracy skills across the curriculum; sessions will also develop their resilience in order to ensure students feel happy and confident starting BDB full-time in September
  • Achieve – targeted students are invited to join us part-time (one day a week) during July. During ‘Achieve’ sessions students will take part in lessons from across the curriculum designed to stretch them, preparing them for a highly challenging and ambitious KS3 curriculum when they start with us in September
  • SEND Parent/Carer Workshop – parents/carers of students with SEND are invited to take part in an additional transition evening. This is a chance to meet our SENDCo and find out more about SEND provision at secondary school, and specifically at BDB. It is also an opportunity to meet other key professionals from the SEND team at Surrey County Council, learn about the services they offer and how to engage with them outside of school. We will also help prepare parents/carers for the transition to secondary school and how best to support their children with this

Should you have any questions about transition at Bishop David Brown School please do not hesitate to contact the school directly via email at, FOA Mr D Robert or by calling the school office on 01932 349 696.

Useful links & documents:

Induction Booklet

Eastwood Sports Centre

Welcome Letters and Q&As from Year 7 Students 

Student Summer Workbook

EAL Provision at BDB

Stretching High Prior Attainers

Role of the Form Tutor & Home-School Communication

Staff List & Email Addresses