Pastoral Care and Support
This is a caring school and we give priority to meeting the individual aspirations and needs of each young person, nurturing them to be the best they can be. We are committed to creating a reflective educational environment and a school community where we learn to know, to do, to be and to live together.
Our Form tutors are key, constant supporters in a student’s school life, who wherever possible will move with the tutor group as they progress through the school. Form time is an important part of the school day, students meet with their form tutor and form groups every morning for registration, and this tends to be a time when firm friendships and relationships are formed. Each tutor group joins the rest of the year group for a weekly assembly with their Year Team Lead and Senior Leaders.
As well as the tutors and Year Team Leads, we have Student Support Advisors (SSAs). These are non-teaching members of staff who work with the Year Team Leads in the support and running of the year group. Our SSAs can also support individuals and groups of students through emotional wellbeing sessions.
Looked After Children
At the Bishop David Brown School we ensure a member of our Leadership Team is allocated the role of Designated Teacher. This member of staff oversees the educational achievement of every looked after and previously looked after child in the school. They are the central point of contact for the student and carer and work closely with them to ensure the best possible provision and outcomes for the individual student. They liaise with Surrey Virtual School, the pupil’s social worker and the designated governor to provide the support they need to overcome any barriers to learning and thrive socially and academically. We run termly reviews for each child to ensure they are making good progress and provide targeted interventions to help students achieve their goals.
Designated Teacher for Looked After Children : Dan Roberts (