- Two black pens for classwork
- One green pen for self-review work
- One blue pen for peer assessment work
- Pencils
- Pencil sharpener
- Eraser
- Ruler
- Curved edge scissors
- Glue stick
- Reading Book
- Students should also have a scientific calculator and mathematics set which includes a compass, pencil, protractor, and set squares.
A high standard of personal appearance is expected of all students and anyone arriving at school in non-uniform clothing should expect to be sent home to change or to work independently, under supervision.
Our uniform policy aims to achieve:
- A sense of pride, community and belonging
- A feeling that students are all equal to their peers
- Support positive Behaviour for Learning
- Prepare students for dress codes in the world of work
- Protect students from social pressures to dress in a particular way
The correct uniform code is as follows (clarification is shown with the attached images). Items can be purchased from School Uniform Direct, 1 Park Court, 1 Pyrford Road, West Byfleet, KT14 6SD. Telephone:020 8646 4777; Online: https://www.schooluniformdirect.co.uk/schools
Uniform Requirements
- Black blazer with school badge (coats or hoodies are not to be worn in the school building)
- White shirt to be worn tucked in or V neck blouse
- School tie to be worn, with ten stripes showing if wearing a shirt that buttons to the neck
- BDB logo skirt only, or plain black tailored full-length trousers (not jeans/leggings or any trousers which show the shape of the leg)
- Plain black low-heeled shoes (not backless or canvas/boots)
Uniform Rules
- All items of clothing should be clearly marked with the student’s name.
- Coats and hoodies are not to be worn inside the school building.
- Skirts should be no shorter than knee length and the logo should be visible.
- Trousers are to be full-length (not cropped/above the ankle) and plain (no decorative buttons). Very low cut hipsters, pinstripes, jeans, cords or leggings which show the shape of the leg are not acceptable. Jeans sold as ‘trousers’ which are denim cotton or have obvious stitching/studs on pockets are not acceptable.
- Broad fashion belts are not part of the uniform and must not be worn.
- The dress code is for black leather/synthetic shoes. Training shoes are only to be worn for PE and students should not have to be asked to change back into shoes during the school day. Backless or black canvas shoes (Vans or Converses) or boots are not acceptable.
- Jewellery is not to be worn apart from one pair of stud earrings (no hoops), a watch and one small finger ring. Bracelets and necklaces should not be worn at any point in school and can be requested to be removed. Facial and tongue piercings are not allowed at BDB.
- Extreme haircuts are not appropriate for school, hair should not be coloured/patterned, for example, ‘Steps’/ ‘Dip dyed’/ ‘Tramlines’. Hair should not be cut below a number 1.
- In Years 7 and 8 make-up is not permitted. Students in years 9–10 can wear discreet make-up and staff have the right to request excessive make up is removed.
- Coloured nail varnish and acrylic nails must not be worn.
- False eyelashes are not permitted.
- Head scarves/hijabs may be worn for religious reasons. Hijabs should be plain black without decoration. Scarves and pashmina shawls are outdoor clothing and need to be removed on entering the school building.
- Hooded Tops must not be worn at any time. If they are seen they will be confiscated until the end of the school day.
If you have any questions please do not hesitate to contact your child’s Head of Year. If you are unsure regarding any item of uniform, please bring the item into school for us to check that it is line with our policy. We are very grateful for your ongoing support.
- Anyone arriving at school in non-uniform clothing should expect to be sent home to change or to work independently, under supervision.
- Any jewellery other than a watch, one pair of small stud earrings and one small finger ring will be requested to be removed. No more than one earring or stud is allowed in each ear. Items may be confiscated, if felt necessary.
- Coloured nail varnish and acrylic nails should not be worn and students will be asked to remove them.
- Science and D&T practical lessons will not go ahead for students without correct footwear.
Uniform Dress Code

Physical Education Kit and participation policy
The Bishop David Brown Physical Education department is a fully inclusive department and all students are required to take part in their Physical Education lesson. The modern PE lesson incorporates several roles, including performance, coaching, officiating and leadership during of the lesson. This means that even when a student is unable to take part in the practical part of PE they are still required to get changed into their PE as they can undertake another role within the lessons. Football boots or Astro are compulsory for the Astro turf and trainers are compulsory for the sports hall and other activities. All students are expected to change into the PE kit shown below:

If a student forgets their PE they will have a 15 minute detention during break time. If this becomes a repeated offence and the student gets 3 marks they we will receive 1-hour detention after school in addition to the break times.